


Métodos Naturales en General

Método de la Ovulación de Billings

The Creighton Model Fertility Care System


Temperatura Basal


 Dolor ovulatorio

Palpación cervical

Modified mucus method

TwoDay Algorithm


Standard Days

Monitores del periodo fertil

  Temperatura basal y calendario

  Resistencia eléctrica vaginal y salival

  Cristalización Salival

  Estrona glucuronido y LH urinaria

  Estrona glucuronido, pregnandiol glucuronido


Monitores  Estrona glucuronido y LH urinaria (Persona, Clearplan, Clearview)

Monitor Estrona glucuronido, pregnandiol glucuronido (Monitor Ovárico)

Umbral ovulatorio  Pregnandiol glucuronido

Medición simultanea Estrona glucuronido y Pregnandiol glucuronido

Ratio Estrona glucuronido/Pregnandiol glucuronido

Efecto de concentración urinaria

Más sobre glucuronidos urinarios

LH urinaria


Autoaspiración flujo cervicovaginal 

 Volumen flujo

 Aspecto flujo


Moco cervical




 Hormonas salivales

 Cristalización Salival

 Otros indicadores en saliva

Miscelánea de indicadores

Estudios de varios indicadores





Resultados adversos

Sexo, ratio





Aspectos Varios

Ciclos largos e irregulares

Ciclos postparto

Hormonas Periconcepcionales

Evaluación ciclo con utrasonido

Reporte largo ciclo

Conocimiento ciclo

Deseo de menstruar

Ciclo Menstrual y edad






En general















Moco cervical y embarazo

Ciclo mucoso 

 Indicador del comienzo del período fértil

 Indicador  de ovulación

Score mucoso 







Métodos Naturales durante lactancia

Lactancia y contracepción

Lactational amenorrea method (LAM)

Programas promoción lactancia

Otras ref



Lograr embarazo en  infertilidad


Consideraciones generales

Efectividad y comportamiento

Efectividad Comparación métodos

Efectividad LAM

Efectividad Método de la Ovulación

Efectividad  Creighton model

Efectividad Sintotérmico

Efectividad Temperatura Basal

Efectividad Two day method

Efectividad Modified mucus method

Efectividad Standard days

Efectividad Calendario

Efectividad Monitores Hormonas urinarias EG, LH.

Efectividad  Monitores de temperatura basal , calendario

Otros estudios de efectividad






En general


 Tratamiento factor cervical

 Moco cervical y antiestrógenos

 Detección moco en infertilidad







Infertilidad inexplicada y fase lutea

Evaluación fase lutea

 En general

 Medición Progesterona

 Biopsia Endometrio


 Temperatura basal

Tratamiento insuficiencia fase lútea

 Comparación  tratamientos

 En fase lutea

 En fase folicular y fase lutea

 En fase folicular

 Otros tratamientos



 Endometriosis y disfunción uterina

 Endometriosis y disfunción ovulatoria

 Endometriosis y disfunción lútea

 Endometriosis y aborto espontáneo






















Germano E, Jennings V.

New approaches to fertility awareness-based methods: incorporating the Standard Days and TwoDay Methods into practice.

J Midwifery Womens Health. 2006 Nov-Dec;51(6):471-7. Review.

PMID: 17081938


Frank-Hermann, P., Gnoth, C., Baure, S., Strowitski, T., & Freundl, G.

Determination of the fertile window: reproductive competence of women - European cycle databases. Gynecology Endocrinology, 2005; 20: 305-312.

Fehring R J, Comment Large European Data Base Indicates STM Effective Method of Family Planning. CMR - Vol. 17, Nos. 1 & 2, Winter/Spring 2006


Bigelow JL, Dunson DB, Stanford JB, Ecochard R, Gnoth C, Colombo B.

Mucus observations in the fertile window: a better predictor of conception than timing of intercourse.

Hum Reprod. 2004 Apr;19(4):889-92. Epub 2004 Feb 27. Free full text

PMID: 14990542

Fehring RJ, Comment Mucus Observations Are Useful for Predicting Days of High Probability for Conception CMR - Vol. 15, Nos. 3 & 4, Summer/Fall 2004




Baerwald, A.R., Adams, G.P., & Pierson, R.A. A new model for ovarian follicular development

during the human menstrual cycle. Fertility and Sterility. 2003;80:116-122. Fehring R J, Coment WAVES OF FOLLICULAR DEVELOPMENT FOUND IN HUMAN MENSTRUAL CYCLES CMR - Vol. 15, Nos. 1 & 2, Winter/Spring 2004


Mikolajczyk, R.T., Stanford, J.B., & Rauchfuss, M. Factors influencing the choice to use modern

natural family planning.

Contraception. 2003;67:253-258.



Stanford JB, Smith KR, Dunson DB.

Vulvar mucus observations and the probability of pregnancy.

Obstet Gynecol. 2003 Jun;101(6):1285-93.

PMID: 12798538



Fehring R J,  Review Accuracy of Biological Markers of Fertility  CMR - Vol. 14, Nos. 3 & 4, Summer/Fall 2003

Fehring R J, Review Effectiveness of NFP Methods  CMR - Vol. 14, Nos. 3 & 4, Summer/Fall 2003

Fehring R J,  Review Day Specific Probabilities of Fecundity  CMR - Vol. 14, Nos. 3 & 4, Summer/Fall 2003

Fehring R J, Review  Breastfeeding  CMR - Vol. 14, Nos. 3 & 4, Summer/Fall 2003

Fehring R J,  Review  Psychological Aspects of Practicing NFP  CMR - Vol. 14, Nos. 3 & 4, Summer/Fall 2003

Fehring R J, Review   Lifestyle Factors and Fertility Health  CMR - Vol. 14, Nos. 3 & 4, Summer/Fall 2003

Fehring R J, Review    Miscellaneous Studies on NFP  CMR - Vol. 14, Nos. 3 & 4, Summer/Fall 2003

Fehring R J, Review  Accuracy of Cervical Mucus as a Biological Marker for the Beginning of the Fertile Phase of the Menstrual Cycle Under the Microscope CMR - Vol. 14, Nos. 1 & 2, Winter/Spring 2003

Arevalo, M., Jennings, V., and Sinai, I. Efficacy of a new method of family planning: the Standard Day Method. Contraception. 65 (2002): 333-338. Fehring R J, Coment & review  Standard Day Method Found to be Effective NFP Related Research CMR - Vol. 13, Nos. 3 & 4, Summer/Fall 2002

Fehring, R. Accuracy of the peak day of cervical mucus as a biological marker of fertility.

Contraception. 2002;66:231-5.


Gnoth, C., Godehardt, D., Godehardt, E., et al. Time to pregnancy: results of the German

prospective study and impact on the management of infertility. Human Reproduction.



Alliende ME.

Mean versus individual hormonal profiles in the menstrual cycle.

Fertil Steril. 2002 Jul;78(1):90-5.

PMID: 12095496 

Fehring RJ, Comment  Researchers Find Hormonal Variability Among Normal Menstrual Cycles Research Briefs  CMR - Vol. 13, Nos. 3 & 4, Summer/Fall 2002

Fehring RJ, Comment  Researchers Find Hormonal Variability Among Normal Menstrual Cycles Research Briefs  CMR - Vol. 13, Nos. 3 & 4, Summer/Fall 2002

Gnoth, C., Frank-Hermann, P., & Schmoll, A., et al. Cycle characteristics after discontinuation

of oral contraceptives. Gynecological Endocrinology. 2002;16:307-317.



Ecochard, R. Boehringer, H., Rabilloud, M., & Marret, H.

Chronological aspects of ultrasonic, hormonal, and other indirect indices of ovulation.

 British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 108 (2001): 822-829.

Fehring RJ. Comment. Self-detected Cervical Mucus Peak Symptom Determined to be Accurate and Practical Means of Ovulation Detection NFP Related Research CMR - Vol. 13, Nos. 3 & 4, Summer/Fall 2002

Dunson, D.B., Sinai, I., & Colombo, B. The relationship between cervical secretions and the daily probabilities of pregnancy: effectiveness of the TwoDay Algorithm. Human Reproduction. 16(2001):2278-2282.

Fehring R J, Review ANALYSIS: Being A Good Consumer of NFP Research CMR - Vol. 12, Nos. 3 & 4, Summer/Fall 2001

Fehring R J, Review Understanding Scientific Research – Definitions CMR - Vol. 12, Nos. 3 & 4, Summer/Fall 2001


Fehring R J, Comment  & review 100% Efficacy Reported In Multi-site International Study of LAM CMR - Vol. 12, Nos. 3 & 4, Summer/Fall 2001

Fehring R J, Review. Analysis: Predicting the Fertile Window Under the Microscope CMR - Vol. 12, Nos. 1 & 2, Winter/Spring 2001

Fehring R J, Review SPERM SURVIVAL! Sperm Survival! CMR - Vol. 11, Nos. 3 & 4, Summer/Fall 2000

Stanford, J.B., & Smith, K.R. Characteristics of Women Associated With Continuing Instruction in the Creighton Model Fertility Care System. Contraception 61 (February, 2000): 121-129. Fehring R J, Comment Characteristics of CrM Fertility Care System Users Research Briefs CMR - Vol. 11, Nos. 3 & 4, Summer/Fall 2000

Arevalo, M., Sinai, I., & Jennings, V. A Fixed Formula to Define the Fertile Window of the Menstrual Cycle as the Basis of a Simple Method of Natural Family Planning. Contraception 60 (1999): 357-360.  Fehring R J, Comment & review. STANDARD DAY METHOD OF NFP: RHYTHM REVISITED OR NEW INNOVATION? NFP Related Research CMR - Vol. 11, Nos. 3 & 4, Summer/Fall 2000.

Dunson, D.B., Baird, D.D., & Wilcox, A.J., et al. Day-specific probabilities of clinical pregnancy based on two studies with imperfect measures of ovulation. Human Reproduction 14 (July, 1999):1835-1839. Fehring RJ, Comment& review. PEAK OF FERTILITY DETERMINED TO BE THE DAY BEFORE OVULATION: Assessment of Cervical Mucus Recommended For Couples Who Want Either To Avoid or Facilitate Conception Reviews  CMR - Vol. 11, Nos. 1 & 2, Winter/Spring 2000

Freundl, G. (The European Natural Family Planning Study Groups). European multi-center study of natural family planning (1989-1995): efficacy and drop-out. Advances in Contraception. 15 (1999):69-83. Fehring R J, Comment EUROPEAN STUDY FINDS SYMPTO-THERMAL DOUBLE CHECK METHOD TO BE VERY EFFECTIVE NFP Related Research CMR - Vol. 11, Nos. 3 & 4, Summer/Fall 2000.

Guida, M., Tommaselli, G., & Palumba, S., et al. Efficacy of Methods for Determining Ovulation In a Natural Family Planning Program. Fertility and Sterility 72 (November, 1999): 900-904.MEASURING Fehring R J, Comment & review. URINARY LH FOUND TO BE THE MOST ACCURATE METHOD OF SELF-DETECTING OVULATION NFP Related Research CMR - Vol. 11, Nos. 3 & 4, Summer/Fall 2000

Kambic RT, Review. The Effectiveness of Natural Family Planning Under the Microscope CMR - Vol. 11, Nos. 1 & 2, Winter/Spring 2000

Stanford, J.B., Thurman, P.B., & Lemaire, J.C. Physicians' knowledge and practices regarding natural family planning. Obstetrics & Gynecology 94 (November, 1999):672-678. Fehring R J, Comment& review. United States Physicians Underestimate Effectiveness of Natural Family Planning Reviews  CMR - Vol. 11, Nos. 1 & 2, Winter/Spring 2000

Bonnar, J., Flynn, A., & Freundl, G., et al. Personal hormone monitoring for contraception. The British Journal of Family Planning. 24 (1999):128-134. Fehring RJ, Comment Effectiveness of Personal Hormone Monitoring in Determining the Fertile Period? Research Briefs CMR - Vol. 10, Nos. 3 & 4, Summer/Fall 1999

Fehring RJ, Comment Researchers Discourage Use of Salivary Ferning Test For Predicting Fertility Research Briefs CMR - Vol. 10, Nos. 3 & 4, Summer/Fall 1999

Fehring RJ, Review Review and Analysis of the Peak Day Under the Microscope Review and Analysis of the "Peak Day"  CMR - Vol. 10, Nos. 3 & 4, Summer/Fall 1999

Fehring RJ Review Accuracy of Miniature Microscope Fertility Monitors In Question Under the Microscope  CMR - Vol. 10, Nos. 1 & 2, Winter/Spring 1999

Hilgers, T. & Stanford, J. Creighton model naproeducation technology for avoiding pregnancy - use effectiveness. The Journal of Reproductive Medicine 43 ( 1998): 495-502.  Fehring RJ, Comment. Five center study reveals high effectiveness of Creighton Model System for avoiding pregnancy. Research Briefs  CMR - Vol. 10, Nos. 1 & 2, Winter/Spring 1999

World Health Organization Task Force. The World Health Organization multinational study of breast-feeding and lactational amenorrhea. III. Pregnancy during breast-feeding. Fertility and Sterility 72 (September, 1999): 431-39. Fehring RJ, Comment.  World Health Organization Study Confirms Bellagio Consensus Reviews  CMR - Vol. 11, Nos. 1 & 2, Winter/Spring 2000

Bitto, A., Gray, R.H., & Simpson, J.L. et al. Adverse Outcomes of Planned and Unplanned Pregnancies among Users of Natural Family Planning: A Prospective Study. American Journal of Public Health 87 (March, 1997):338-343. Fehring RJ, Comment. No increased risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes was observed Among women who experienced an unplanned pregnancy while using natural family planning. Reviews & Analysis CMR - Vol. 9, Nos. 1 & 2, Winter/Spring 1998

Flynn, A.M., Collins, W.P., & Royston, P., et al., Volumetric self-sampling of cervicovaginal fluid to determine potential fertility: a multicentre pre-effectiveness study of the Rovumeter. Human Reproduction. 12 (August, 1997):1826-1831. Fehring RJ Comment & review. RovumeterTM Not Accurate in Defining Fertile Period  Under the Microscope CMR - Vol. 9, Nos. 1 & 2, Winter/Spring 1998

Hilgers, T.W., Daly, K.D., Prebil, A.M. and Hilgers, S.K.

Cumulative pregnancy rates in patients with apparently normal fertility and fertility-focused intercourse. Journal of Reproductive Medicine. 1992:37:864-866.



Flynn AM.

Natural family planning and the new technologies.

Suppl Int J Gynecol Obstet. 1989;1:123-7. Review. No abstract available.

PMID: 2679668


Labbok MH, Queenan JT.

The use of periodic abstinence for family planning.

Clin Obstet Gynecol. 1989 Jun;32(2):387-402. Review.

PMID: 2663279


Albertson BD, Zinaman MJ.

The prediction of ovulation and monitoring of the fertile period.

Adv Contracept. 1987 Dec;3(4):263-90. Review.

PMID: 3328481

Moghissi, K.S. Cervical mucus changes and ovulation prediction and detection. Journal of Reproductive Medicine. 31 (1986):748-53.

Tommaselli, GA, Guida, M., Palomba, S et al., The importance of user compliance on the effectiveness of natural family planning programs. Gynecological Endocrinology. 14 (2000):81-89.

The European Natural Family Planning Study Groups. European Multicenter Study of Natural Family Planning (1989-1995): Efficacy and Drop-out. Advances in Contraception. 15(1999):69-83.

Frank-Herrmann, P., Freundl, G., Gnoth, C., Godehardt, E., Kunert, J., Baur, S., & Sottong, U. Natural family planing with and without barrier method use in the fertile phase: efficacy in relation to sexual behavior: a German prospective long-term study. Advances in Contraception 13:2/3 (1997): 179-189.

Martinez, A.R. Prediction and detection of the fertile phase of the menstrual cycle: an overview. Advances in Contraception. 13 (1997):131-138.

Bonnar, J., Flynn, A., & Freundl, G., et al. Personal hormone monitoring for contraception. The British Journal of Family Planning. 24 (1999):128-134. (Effectiveness of Personal Hormone Monitoring in Determining the Fertile Period?)


World Health Organization Task Force on Methods for the Natural Regulation of Fertility. (1999). The World Health Organization multinational study of breast-feeding and lactational amenorrhea. III. Pregnancy during breastfeeding. Fertility and Sterility, 72, 431-440.

World Health Organization Task Force on Methods for the Natural Regulation of Fertility. (1999). The World Health Organization multinational study of breast-feeding and lactational amenorrhea. IV. Postpartum bleeding and lochia in breast-feeding women. Fertility and Sterility, 72, 441-447.

Hilgers, T. & Stanford, J. Creighton model naproeducation technology for avoiding pregnancy - use effectiveness. The Journal of Reproductive Medicine 43 ( 1998): 495-502. (Five center study reveals high effectiveness of Creighton Model System for avoiding pregnancy.)

World Health Organization Task Force on Methods for the Natural Regulation of Fertility. (1998). The World Health Organization multinational study of breast-feeding and lactational amenorrhea. I. Description of infant feeding patterns and the return of menses. Fertility and Sterility, 70, 448-60.

World Health Organization Task Force on Methods for the Natural Regulation of Fertility. (1998). The World Health Organization multinational study of breast-feeding and lactational amenorrhea. II. Factors associated with the length of amenorrhea. Fertility and Sterility, 70, 461-471.

Blackwell, L.F., Brown, J.B., & Cooke, D. (1998). Definition of the potentially fertile period from urinary steroid excretion rates. Part II. A threshold value for pregnanediol glucuronide as a marker for the end of the potentially fertile period in the human menstrual cycle. Steroids, 63, 5-13.

Piccinino, L.J. & Mosher, W.D. Trends in Contraceptive Use In the United States: 1982-1995. Family Planning Perspectives 30 (January/February 1998): 4-10 & 46. (Trends in periodic abstinence use in the United States: 1982-1995)

Frank-Herrmann, P., Freundl, G., Gnoth, C., Godehardt, E., Kunert, J., Baur, S., & Sottong, U. (1997). Natural family planning with and without barrier method use in the fertile phase: Efficacy in relation to sexual behavior: A German prospective long-term study. Advances in Contraception, 13(2/3), 179-189

Lamprecht, V., & Trussell, J. (1997). Natural family planning effectiveness: Evaluating published reports. Advances in Contraception, 13(2/3), 155-165.

Kennedy, K.I., Labbok, M.H., Van Look, P.F.A. (1996). Consensus statement- lactational amenorrhea method for family planning. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 54, 55-57.

Gray, R.H., Kambic, R.T., Lanctot, C.A., Martin, M.C., Wesley, R., & Cremins, R. (1993). Evaluation of natural family planning programmes in Liberia and Zambia. Journal of Biosocial Science, 25.

Brown, J.B., Holmes, J., & Barker, G. Use of the home ovarian monitor in pregnancy avoidance. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 165 (1991):2008-11.

Hilgers, T.W., Abraham, G. & Prebil, A.M. (In Press). The Length of the Luteal Phase. Fertility and Sterility.

Trussell, J. & Grummer-Strawn, L. Further analysis of contraceptive failure of the ovulation method. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 165 (1991): 2054-2059.

Fehring, R. Methods Used To Predict Ovulation. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecological, and Neonatal Nursing. 19 (May/June, 1990):233-37.

Queenan, J.T., Jennings, V.H., Spieler, J.M., & van Hertzen, H. (Eds.). (1991/December). Natural family planning: Current knowledge and new strategies for the 1990s. Proceedings of a Conference. Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. December 10-14,1990. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 165(6) [supplement] part 2.

Trussell, J. & Grummer-Strawn, L. Contraceptive Failure of the Ovulation Method of Periodic Abstinence. Family Planning Perspectives 16 (1990): 5-16.

Van Look, P.F.A., & Mancuso, S. (Guest Eds.). (1989). Natural fertility regulation today. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics [supplement 1]. Chicago.

Gross BA.

Clinical indicators of the fertile period.

Suppl Int J Gynecol Obstet. 1989;1:45-51. Review. No abstract available.

PMID: 2679674


Labbok MH, Queenan JT.

The use of periodic abstinence for family planning.

Clin Obstet Gynecol. 1989 Jun;32(2):387-402. Review.

PMID: 2663279


Gross BA.

Natural family planning indicators of ovulation.

Clin Reprod Fertil. 1987 Jun;5(3):91-117. Review.

PMID: 3322540


World Health Organization Task Force.

A prospective study multicenter trial of the ovulation method of natural family planning. Psychosocial aspects.

Fertility and Sterility, 1987;47:765-772.


Gross BA.

Natural family planning indicators of ovulation.

Clin Reprod Fertil. 1987 Jun;5(3):91-117. Review.

PMID: 3322540


No authors listed]

A prospective multicenter trial of the ovulation method of natural family planning. V. Psychosexual aspects. World Health Organization.

Fertil Steril. 1987 May;47(5):765-72.

PMID: 3552752


Flynn AM.

Natural methods of family planning.

Clin Obstet Gynaecol. 1984 Dec;11(3):661-78.

PMID: 6509855


Moghissi, K.S.

Cervical Mucus Changes and Ovulation Prediction and Detection.

The Journal of Reproductive Medicine. 31 (Supplement, August, 1986):748-53.


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A prospective multicentre study of the ovulation method of natural family planning. IV. The outcome of pregnancy. World Health Organization.

Fertil Steril. 1984 Apr;41(4):593-8.

PMID: 6705935

World Health Organization.

A prospective multi-centre trial of the Ovulation Method of natural family planning. III. Characteristics of the menstrual cycle and of the fertile phase.

Fertility and Sterility. 40 (1983):773-778.

World Health Organization. Temporal relationships between indices of the fertile period. Fertility and Sterility. 39 (1983):647-655.

Hilgers, T.W., Prebil, A.M., Daly, K.D. & Hilgers, S.K. (1982). The Picture Dictionary of the Ovulation Method and Other Assorted Teaching Aids. Omaha, NE: Creighton University Natural Family Planning Education and Research Center.

Klaus H.

Natural family planning: a review.

Obstet Gynecol Surv. 1982 Feb;37(2):128-50. Review.

PMID: 7033851

Cortisi, S., et al. Correlation of Plasma Gonadotrophins and Ovarian Steroids Pattern With Symptomatic Changes In Cervical Mucus During The Menstrual Cycle In Normal Cycling Women. Contraception, 23 (June, 1981):629-41.

France JT.

Overview of the biological aspects of the fertile period.

Int J Fertil. 1981;26(3):143-52.

PMID: 6118334


Hilgers TW, Bailey AJ, Prebil AM.

Natural family planning IV. The identification of postovulatory infertility.

Obstet Gynecol. 1981 Sep;58(3):345-50.

PMID: 7266954


Hilgers TW, Daly KD, Prebil AM, Hilgers SK.

Natural family planning III. Intermenstrual symptoms and estimated time of ovulation.

Obstet Gynecol. 1981 Aug;58(2):152-5.

PMID: 7254726


Parenteau-Carreau S.

The sympto-thermal methods.

Int J Fertil. 1981;26(3):170-81. No abstract available.

PMID: 6118337


Rice, F.J., Lanctot, C.A., & Garcia-Devesa, C.

The Effectiveness of the Sympto-Thermal Method of Natural Family Planning: An International Study.

International Journal of Fertility 26 (1981): 222-230.


[No authors listed] World Health Organization

A prospective multicentre trial of the ovulation method of natural family planning. I. The teaching phase.

Fertil Steril. 1981 Aug;36(2):152-8.  PMID: 7021189  link ref#55


No authors listed]   World Health Organization

A prospective multicentre trial of the ovulation method of natural family planning. II. The effectiveness phase.

Fertil Steril. 1981 Nov;36(5):591-8.

PMID: 7308503

Fehring R J, Coment High unintended pregnancy rate of 23% per annum based on the re-analysis of the five country World Health Organization WHO study of the OM. CMR - Vol. 17, Nos. 1 & 2, Winter/Spring 2006


Hilgers TW, Bailey AJ.

Natural family planning. II. Basal body temperature and estimated time of ovulation.

Obstet Gynecol. 1980 Mar;55(3):333-9.

PMID: 7360431


Hilgers TW, Prebil AM.

The ovulation method--vulvar observations as an index of fertility/infertility.

Obstet Gynecol. 1979 Jan;53(1):12-22. No abstract available.

PMID: 760010


Lanctot CA.

Natural family planning.

Clin Obstet Gynaecol. 1979 Apr;6(1):109-27. Review.


Hilgers TW, Abraham GE, Cavanagh D.

Natural family planning. I. The peak symptom and estimated time of ovulation.

Obstet Gynecol. 1978 Nov;52(5):575-82.

PMID: 724176


Flynn AM, Lynch SS.

Cervical mucus and identification of the fertile phase of the menstrual cycle.

Br J Obstet Gynaecol. 1976 Aug;83(8):656-9.

PMID: 952797

Billings, E.L., Billings, J.J., & Brown, J. B., et al. Symptom and Hormonal Changes Accompanying Ovulation. The Lancet. 1 (February 5,1972):282-84.

Métodos Naturales en General


Zinaman MJ.

Using cervical mucus and other easily observed biomarkers to identify ovulation in prospective pregnancy trials.

Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol. 2006 Nov;20 Suppl 1:26-9.

PMID: 17061970


Fehring RJ.

New low- and high-tech calendar methods of family planning.

J Midwifery Womens Health. 2005 Jan-Feb;50(1):31-8. Review.

PMID: 15637512

New Low- and High- tech Calendar Methods of Family Planning, Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health


Grimes DA, Gallo MF, Grigorieva V, Nanda K, Schulz KF.

Fertility awareness-based methods for contraception: systematic review of randomized controlled trials.

Contraception. 2005 Aug;72(2):85-90. Review.

PMID: 16022845

Coment: Fehring R, Unintended Pregnancies Common with Fertility Awareness Based Methods of Family Planning


Grimes DA, Gallo MF, Grigorieva V, Nanda K, Schulz KF.

Fertility awareness-based methods for contraception.

Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2004 Oct 18;(4):CD004860. Review.

PMID: 15495128


Al-Ateeg FA.

Natural family planning revisited.

Saudi Med J. 2004 Mar;25(3):285-93. Review.

PMID: 15048163


Barron ML.

Proactive management of menstrual cycle abnormalities in young women.

J Perinat Neonatal Nurs. 2004 Apr-Jun;18(2):81-92. Review.

PMID: 15214247


Fehring RJ.

The future of professional education in natural family planning.

J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs. 2004 Jan-Feb;33(1):34-43. Review.

PMID: 14971551


Gnoth C, Frank-Herrmann P, Freundl G.

Opinion: natural family planning and the management of infertility.

Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2002 Dec;267(2):67-71. Review.

PMID: 12439549


Stanford JB, White GL, Hatasaka H.

Timing intercourse to achieve pregnancy: current evidence.

Obstet Gynecol. 2002 Dec;100(6):1333-41. Review.

PMID: 12468181


Gnoth C.

Approaches to natural family planning.

Fertil Steril. 2000 Dec;74(6):1262-3. No abstract available.

PMID: 11188022


MacQueen H.

Recent advances in natural family planning.

Prof Care Mother Child. 2000;10(3):62-4. Review. No abstract available.

PMID: 11216266


Tommaselli GA, Guida M, Palomba S, Pellicano M, Nappi C.

The importance of user compliance on the effectiveness of natural family planning programs.

Gynecol Endocrinol. 2000 Apr;14(2):81-9. Review.

PMID: 10836194


Gnoth C, Bremme M, Klemm R, Frank-Herrmann P, Godehardt E, Freundl G.

Research and quality control in natural family planning with relational database systems.

 Adv Contracept. 1999;15(4):375-80.

 PMID: 11145378

Blake D, Smith D, Bargiacchi A, France M, & Gudex G. Fertility awareness in women attending a fertility clinic. Australian/New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology,1997;37:350-352.

Cachan J, Marshall M.

Implementing reproductive health awareness: progress to date.

Adv Contracept. 1997 Jun-Sep;13(2-3):363-71. Review.

PMID: 9288358


Diaz M.

Gender, sexuality and communication issues that constitute barriers to the use of natural family planning and other fertility awareness-based methods.

Adv Contracept. 1997 Jun-Sep;13(2-3):303-9. Review.

PMID: 9288349


Fonte DR.

Working together. The basics of natural family planning.

Adv Nurse Pract. 1997 Mar;5(3):36-8, 41-2. Review. No abstract available.

PMID: 9459880


France M.

The benefits and barriers associated with a national natural family planning service: the New Zealand experience.

Adv Contracept. 1997 Jun-Sep;13(2-3):295-302. Review.

PMID: 9288348


Guida M, Tommaselli GA, Pellicano M, Palomba S, Nappi C.

An overview on the effectiveness of natural family planning.

Gynecol Endocrinol. 1997 Jun;11(3):203-19. Review.

PMID: 9209901


Infantado RB.

Main-streaming NFP into the Department of Health of the Philippines: opportunities and challenges.

Adv Contracept. 1997 Jun-Sep;13(2-3):249-54. Review.

PMID: 9288342

Kmietowicz, Z. (1997). Deciding on a method of natural family planning. Nurse Prescriber, 2(11), 30-31.


Lamprecht V, Trussell J.

Natural family planning effectiveness: evaluating published reports.

Adv Contracept. 1997 Jun-Sep;13(2-3):155-65. Review.

PMID: 9288333

Marshall M, Jennings V, Cachan J.

Reproductive health awareness: an integrated approach to obtaining a high quality of health.

Adv Contracept. 1997 Jun-Sep;13(2-3):313-8. Review.

PMID: 9288350


Pyper CM.

Fertility awareness and natural family planning.

Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care. 1997 Jun;2(2):131-46. Review.

PMID: 9678103


Seidman M.

Requirements for NFP service delivery: an overview.

Adv Contracept. 1997 Jun-Sep;13(2-3):241-7. Review.

PMID: 9288341


Schubert J, Pillai G, Thorndahl R.

Breaking the mold: expanding options for reproductive health awareness: the CARE experience.

Adv Contracept. 1997 Jun-Sep;13(2-3):355-61. Review.

PMID: 9288357


Trent, A.J., & Clark, K. (1997). What nurses should know about natural family planning. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic and Neonatal Nursing, 26(6), 643-648.

Gupta, T.K. (1996). Natural family planning—better prospect of contraception. Natural Family Planning, 50(3), 72-76.

Winfield, J. (1996). Natural family planning. Practice Nurse, 12(4), 255-258.


 Freundl G.

 [Natural family planning]

Arch Gynecol Obstet. 1995;257(1-4):525-32. Review. German. No abstract available.

PMID: 8579436


Geerling JH.

Natural family planning.

Am Fam Physician. 1995 Nov 1;52(6):1749-56, 1759-60. Review.

PMID: 7484685


Kennedy, W. (1995). Natural family planning. The Professional Medical Assistant, 28(1), 13- 14.

Norman, C. (1995). Does nature know best? Background and mechanisms of natural family planning. Midwives, 85-88.


Ryder B, Campbell H.

Natural family planning in the 1990s.

Lancet. 1995 Jul 22;346(8969):233-4. Review.

PMID: 7503859


Billings JJ.

Natural family planning. Natural methods have cross cultural appeal.

BMJ. 1993 Nov 20;307(6915):1357. No abstract available.

PMID: 8257902 Free full text


Howie PW.

Natural regulation of fertility.

Br Med Bull. 1993 Jan;49(1):182-99. Review.

PMID: 8324608


Hume K.

Natural family planning. The tide is turning in favour.

BMJ. 1993 Nov 20;307(6915):1358. No abstract available. Free full text.

PMID: 8257906


Ryder RE.

"Natural family planning": effective birth control supported by the Catholic Church.

BMJ. 1993 Sep 18;307(6906):723-6. Free full text.

PMID: 8401097


Davis MS.

Natural family planning.

NAACOGS Clin Issu Perinat Womens Health Nurs. 1992;3(2):280-90.

PMID: 1596436


Flynn AM.

Natural family planning in developing countries.

Lancet. 1992 Aug 1;340(8814):309. No abstract available.

PMID: 1353222


Jennings, V. (1992). Major research issues in natural family planning. Advances in Contraception, 8, 185.

Bruni V, Perini R, Cirri R, Degl'Innocenti E, Michelozzi C, Verni A.

Natural contraceptive methods.

Acta Eur Fertil. 1991 Jan-Feb;22(1):47-50. Review.

PMID: 1746208

Cattanach, J.F. (1991). A diaphragm tampon applied to an ovulation method in a birth control system. Contraception, 44, 607-621


Collins WP.

The evolution of reference methods to monitor ovulation.

Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1991 Dec;165(6 Pt 2):1994-6. Review.

PMID: 1755456



Mosher, W.D. (1991). Contraceptive practice in the United States, 1982-1988 [published erratum appears in Family Planning Perspectives, 1991 May-June; 23(3), 107]. Family Planning Perspectives, 22, 198-205.


de Irala J, Gómez Gracia E, Fernández-Crehuet J.

 [The efficiency of natural fertility control: new perspectives]

Aten Primaria. 1991 Sep;8(8):594-6, 598. Review. Spanish. No abstract available.

PMID: 16986242


Hume K.

Fertility awareness in the 1990s--the Billings Ovulation Method of natural family planning, its scientific basis, practical application and effectiveness.

Adv Contracept. 1991 Jun-Sep;7(2-3):301-11. Review.

PMID: 1950726


Queenan JT, Moghissi KS.

Natural family planning: looking ahead.

Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1991 Dec;165(6 Pt 2):1979-80.

PMID: 1755451


Royston P.

Identifying the fertile phase of the human menstrual cycle.

Stat Med. 1991 Feb;10(2):221-40. Review.

PMID: 2052801


Singh, K., & Ratnam, S.S. (1991). New developments in contraceptive technology. Advances in Contraception, 7, 137-157.


Stanford, J.B. (1991). Contraception--natural family planning [letter; comment]. Journal of the American Board of Family Practitioners, 4, 277-279.


Djerassi, C. (1990). Fertility awareness: Jet-age rhythm method? Science, 248, 1061-1062.


Queenan, J.T., Jennings, V.H., Spieler, J.M., Hertzen, H. von. (1991). Meeting on natural family planning: Current knowledge and new strategies for the 1990's. Washington DC, USA December 10-14, 1990. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Part 2, 165(6), 1977-2068.


Flynn AM.

Natural family planning and the new technologies.

Suppl Int J Gynecol Obstet. 1989;1:123-7. Review. No abstract available.

PMID: 2679668


France JT.

The development of fertility assay kits: an overview.

Int J Fertil. 1988;33 Suppl:5-9. Review.

PMID: 2902028


Labbok MH, Queenan JT.

The use of periodic abstinence for family planning.

Clin Obstet Gynecol. 1989 Jun;32(2):387-402. Review.

PMID: 2663279

Klaus, H. (1989). On natural family planning [letter; comments]. Family Planning Perspectives, 21, 196.


Neumann GH.

 [How natural is "natural family planning"? Critical remarks from the biological behavior viewpoint]

Gynakologe. 1989 Feb;22(1):1-6. Review. German.

PMID: 2653974


Spieler J, Thomas S.

Demographic aspects of natural family planning.

Suppl Int J Gynecol Obstet. 1989;1:133-44. Review. No abstract available.

PMID: 2679669


Van Look, P.F.A., & Mancuso, S. (1989). Natural fertility regulation today. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, [supplement 1], 1-167.


France JT.

The development of fertility assay kits: an overview.

Int J Fertil. 1988;33 Suppl:5-9. Review.

PMID: 2902028


Keatley, V.M. (1988-89). Natural family planning. Family Life Educator, 7(2), 4-8. Gomes, I., & Congdon,


Ponzetti, J.J., & Hoefler, S. (1988). Natural family planning: A review and assessment. Family & Community Health, 11(2), 36-48.


Brown, J.B., Blackwell, L.F., Billings, J.J., Conway, B., Cox, R.I., Garrett, G., Holmes, J., & Smith, M.A. (1987). Natural family planning. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 157, 1082-1089.


Albertson BD, Zinaman MJ.

The prediction of ovulation and monitoring of the fertile period.

Adv Contracept. 1987 Dec;3(4):263-90. Review.

PMID: 3328481


Gross BA.

Natural family planning indicators of ovulation.

Clin Reprod Fertil. 1987 Jun;5(3):91-117. Review.

PMID: 3322540

Clubb, E. (1986). Natural methods of family planning. Journal of the Royal Society of Health, 106, 121-126.


Johnson, J.H., & Reich, J. (1986). The new politics of natural family planning. Family Planning Perspectives, 18, 277-278, 281-282.


KAMBIC R.T., LAMPRECHT V. Calendar rhythm efficacy: a review. Presented at the International Congress of the IFFLP, Ottawa Canada 1986. International Journal of Fertility, Supplement. May 1988, 48-51.ref#380


Albrecht, B., Fernando, R.S., Regas, J., & Betz, G. (1985). A new method for predicting and confirming ovulation. Fertility and Sterility, 43(8), 200-205.


Shivanandan M.

The how and why of natural family planning.

Cathol Update. 1985 Jun;:1-4.

PMID: 12280254


Spieler J, Shuler A.

Natural family planning in 1985: a status report.

Popul Today. 1985 May;13(5):3, 9.

PMID: 12280130


Bennett, L.A. (1984). More about natural family planning [letter]. Australian Family Physician, 13(6), 396-397.


Dunn, H.P. (1984). Few restrictions in natural family planning [letter]. New England Medical Journal, 97(760), 498.


Flynn, A.M. (1984). Natural methods of family planning. Clinics in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 11(3), 661-678.


Mena P, Alliende ME, Jensen L, Barros ML, Morande V, Castillo L, Mazuelos E.

 [Methodology of teaching natural methods of birth regulation (special reference to the Billings ovulation method]

Rev Chil Obstet Ginecol. 1984;49(3):187-98. Spanish. No abstract available.

PMID: 6533712


Schenker, J.G., & Mor-Yosef, S. (1984). Natural family planning. Contraceptive Delivery Systems, 5(3).


Gallagher J.

More about natural family planning.

Aust Fam Physician. 1983 Nov;12(11):786-92.

PMID: 6667188


Graham FM, Gosling L, France JT.

An evaluation of teaching cervical mucus symptoms to ovulating infertile women.

Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol. 1983 Nov;23(4):226-30.

PMID: 6585197



Klein, T.A. (1983). Rhythm method of contraception. Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality, 16(1), 113, 117.


Lolarga E.

A second look at natural family planning.

Initiatives Popul. 1983;7(1):2-12.

PMID: 12265791


Matis, N. (1983).

Natural family planning: A birth control alternative.

Journal of Nurse-Midwifery, 38(1), 1.


Billings, E. (1982).

A positive solution for achieving and postponing pregnancy.

International Review of Natural Family Planning, 6(4), 313-324.


Bourdillon, C. (1982).

Natural family planning.

Central African Journal of Medicine, 28(11), 284-287.


Feghali, V., & Hafez, E.S.E. (1982).

Physiological parameters of periodic abstinence.

Contraceptive Delivery Systems, 3(3-4), 24.


Klaus H.

Natural family planning: a review.

Obstet Gynecol Surv. 1982 Feb;37(2):128-50. Review.

PMID: 7033851


Meier-Vismara E, Meier-Vismara U.

 [Natural family planning: ovulation method after Billings (author's transl)]

Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd. 1982 Jan;42(1):66-9. Review. German.

PMID: 7037526


Nerbun, B., & Carter, P. (1982). Statement on periodic abstinence for family planning. IPPF Medical Bulletin, 89, 985-988.

Bonnar J. Natural Family Planning including Breast-Feeding Advances in Fertility Research. Edited by Daniel R. Mishell, Jr. New York:Raven Press, 1982:1-18. ref#64

Brennan JJ, Klaus H. Terminology and core curricula in natural family planning. Fertil Steril. 1982 Jul;38(1):117-8. PMID: 7095160

France JT.

Overview of the biological aspects of the fertile period.

Int J Fertil. 1981;26(3):143-52.

PMID: 6118334


Klaus, H. (1981). Natural family planning: A review. Obstetrical and Gynecological Survey, 37(2), 128-150.

Jones M.

'Natural' methods of family planning.

Fertil Contracept. 1978 Oct;2(4):55-8.

PMID: 12260793


Klaus H.

Fertility awareness as a method of conception control.

Nurs Times. 1978 Jan 12;74(2):63-4.

PMID: 622329

Britt, S.S. (1977). Fertility awareness: Four methods of natural family planning. JOGN Nursing, 6(2), 9-18.

Kambic, R. (1977). Natural family planning [letter]. Postgraduate Medicine, 62(3), 62.

Norris, C.W. (1977). Natural family planning. Nursing Mirror, 145(17), 29-30.

Sans, L.J. (1977). Ovulation symptoms and ovarian function in blind women. Fertility and Sterility, 28(3), 277-278.

Flynn, A.M., & Kelly, J. (1976). Natural methods of family planning [letter]. Lancet, 2(7982), 418.

Letter. [Anonymous]. (1976/September). Natural family planning. Lancet, 2(7985), 579.

Marshall, J. (1976 a/August). Cervical-mucus and basal body-temperature method of regulation births. Lancet, 6, 282 ff.

Marshall, J. (1976 b). Natural family planning [letter]. Lancet, 2(7994), 1086.

Marshall, J. (1976 c). Natural family planning [letter]. Lancet, 2(7987), 685.

Shivanandan M. Natural family planning: folly or fulfillment?Marriage Fam Living. 1976 Oct;58(10):2-5. PMID: 12339514


Shivanandan M.

Natural family planning: can it work?

Marriage Fam Living. 1976 Nov;58(11):9-11.

PMID: 12266169


Moore WM.

Family planning by periodic abstinence.

Practitioner. 1975 Jan;214(1279):99-104. Review. No abstract available.

PMID: 1096116


Gibbons, C. (1980). Natural family planning. Nursing Times, 76(33), 1454-1456.


Medina, J.E., Cifuentes, A., Abernathy, J.R., Spieler, J.M., & Wade, M.E. Comparative evaluation

of two methods of natural family planning in Columbia. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1980;138:1142-7.


Moghissi KS.

Prediction and detection of ovulation.

Fertil Steril. 1980 Aug;34(2):89-98. Review.

PMID: 6773821


Nowland D.

Natural family planning.

Plan Parent Eur. 1980 Apr;:4-5.

PMID: 12263405

Royston, J.P., & Abrams, R.M. (1980). An objective method for detecting the shift in basal body temperature in women. Biometrics, 36(2), 217-224.


Lanctot CA.

Natural family planning.

Clin Obstet Gynaecol. 1979 Apr;6(1):109-27. Review.

PMID: 383345


Billings, J.J. (1978). Natural family planning [letter]. Medical Journal of Australia, 2(9), 436.

Billings, J.J. (1978). Natural family planning [editorial]. Papua New Guinea Medical Journal, 21(4), 286-287.

Deibel, P. (1978). Natural family planning: Different methods. MCN: American Journal of Maternal Child Nursing, 3(3), 171-177.

Otras Publicaciones:

J J Billings The Gift of Life and Love (5th printing, revised and updated)

Hilgers TW, The Medical and Surgical Practice of NaProTECHNOLOGY. Pope Paul VI Press, Omaha, Nebraska, 2004. Hardcover, 1244 páginas,  ISBN 0-9744147-0-0. Textbook on NaProTECHNOLOGY

Billings EL, Westmore A. The Billings Method 4rth edition 2003,

Weschler, T. (2002). Taking charge of your fertility. New York, NY: Harpers Collins. p.91-92.

Colombo, B. (1999). An update on methods of fertility control with particular referenceto natural regulation. In Human Fertility Regulation Demographic and Statistical Aspects. Girotto, S. & Bressan, F. Eds. Verona, Italy: Edizioni Libreria Cortina Verona.

Kippley, S. (1999). Breastfeeding and Natural Child Spacing. Fourth edition. Cincinnati, Ohio: The Couple to Couple League.

Kambic, Robert T. (1999). The Effectiveness of Natural Family Planning Methods for Birth Spacing: A Comprehensive Review. In Human Fertility Regulation Demographic and Statistical Aspects. Girotto, S. & Bressan, F. Eds. Verona, Italy: Edizioni Libreria Cortina Verona.

Nofziger, M. (1998). Signs of Fertility, the Personal Science of Natural Birth Control. Deatsville, Alabama: MND Publishing.

Billings, E.L & Billings, J.J. (1997). Teaching the Billings Ovulation method. Variations of the Cycle and Reproductive Health. Melbourne, Australia: Ovulation Method Research & Reference Centre of Australia.

Billings, E. & Westmore, A. (1997). The Billings Method. Melbourne Australia: Anne O'Donovan Pty Ltd. ,
The Billings Method

Club, E. & Knight, J., (1997). Fertility. A Comprehensive Guide to Natural Family Planning. Trowbridge, England: Redwood Books.
Hilgers, T.W. (1996). The Creighton Model NaProEducation System. Omaha, NE: Pope Paul VI Institute Press.

Billings, E.L. & Westmore, A. (1995). The Billings Ovulation Method. Melbourne, Australia: The Ovulation Method Research & Reference Centre of Australia.

Hilgers, T.W. (1995). The Scientific Foundations of the Ovulation Method. Omaha, Nebraska: Pope Paul VI Institute Press.

Klaus, H. (1995). Natural Family Planning: A Review. Bethesda, Maryland: Natural Family Planning Center of Washington, D.C.

Huneger, R.J. & Fuller, R. (1997). A Couple's Guide to Fertility. Portland, Oregon: Northwest Family Services.

Kippley, J. (1996). The Art of Natural Family Planning. Cincinnati, Ohio: The Couple to Couple League, International.

Klaus, H. (1995). Natural Family Planning: A Review. Bethesda, Maryland: Natural Family Planning Center of Washington, D.C.

Weschler, T. (1995). Taking Charge of Your Fertility. New York, NY: Harpers Collins.

Wilson, M. A. (1996). Love & Family, Raising a Traditional Family in a Secular World. San Francisco, California: Ignatius Press.

Wilson, M.A. (1998). Love & Fertility. Dunkirk, MD: Family of the Americas Foundation.


Hilgers TW, The Medical Applications of Natural Family Planning Omaha, 1991.  Nebraska: Pope Paul VI Institute Press.

Jensen, L. Sexualidad y Transmisión de la vida. Los Métodos naturales. 1991. Santiago de Chile. Editorial Patris.

Método de la Ovulación de Billings

Attar E, Gokdemirel S, Serdaroglu H, Coskun A.

Natural contraception using the Billings ovulation method.

Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care. 2002 Jun;7(2):96-9.

PMID: 12201328


Jin B, Jiang G, Pan Z, Yan J, Peng S, Lu R.

The application of Billings for fertility regulation method during the period of breastfeeding.

Reprod Contracept. 1999;10(3):163-9.

PMID: 12349463


Walsh M, Tonti-Filippini N.

The billings ovulation method. What are the benefits?

Aust Fam Physician. 1998 Dec;27(12):1082-3.

PMID: 9919726

Billings, E.L. & Westmore, A. (1995). The Billings Ovulation Method. Melbourne, Australia: The Ovulation Method Research & Reference Centre of Australia.

Hilgers, T.W. (1995). The Scientific Foundations of the Ovulation Method. Omaha, Nebraska: Pope Paul VI Institute Press.

Hume K.

Natural family planning. The tide is turning in favour.

BMJ. 1993 Nov 20;307(6915):1358. No abstract available. Free full text.

PMID: 8257906


Billings JJ.

Natural family planning. Natural methods have cross cultural appeal.

BMJ. 1993 Nov 20;307(6915):1357. No abstract available.

PMID: 8257902 Free full text


Billings EL.

The simplicity of the Ovulation Method and its application in various circumstances.

Acta Eur Fertil. 1991 Jan-Feb;22(1):33-6.

PMID: 1746205


Billings JJ.

The validation of the Billings ovulation method by laboratory research and field trials.

Acta Eur Fertil. 1991 Jan-Feb;22(1):9-15.

PMID: 1746210


Hume K.

Fertility awareness in the 1990s--the Billings Ovulation Method of natural family planning, its scientific basi, practical application and effectiveness.

Adv Contracept. 1991 Jun-Sep;7(2-3):301-11. Review.

PMID: 1950726


Billings JJ, Billings E.

The Billings Ovulation Method. An update.

Aust Fam Physician. 1988 Oct;17(10):843-6. No abstract available. Erratum in: Aust Fam Physician 1988 Dec;17(12):following 1028.

PMID: 3245864


Brown JB, Blackwell LF, Billings JJ, Conway B, Cox RI, Garrett G, Holmes J, Smith MA.

Natural family planning.

Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1987 Oct;157(4 Pt 2):1082-9.

PMID: 3314524


No authors listed]

A prospective multicenter trial of the ovulation method of natural family planning. V. Psychosexual aspects. World Health Organization.

Fertil Steril. 1987 May;47(5):765-72.

PMID: 3552752


McLean, P.A., & Hilgers, T.W. (1985). Ovulation method charting in patients taking Danazol. International Journal of Fertility, 30(3), 18-30.


Betts K.

The Billings method of family planning: an assessment.

Stud Fam Plann. 1984 Nov-Dec;15(6 Pt 1):253-66.

PMID: 6515667


Billings JJ.

 [Cervical mucus as a biological sign of fertility and infertility]

Contracept Fertil Sex (Paris). 1984 Feb;12(2):379-80. French.

PMID: 12265827


Billings EL.

Latest developments in contraception.

Med J Aust. 1984 Mar 17;140(6):381-2. No abstract available.

PMID: 6700496


[No authors listed]

A prospective multicentre study of the ovulation method of natural family planning. IV. The outcome of pregnancy. World Health Organization.

Fertil Steril. 1984 Apr;41(4):593-8.

PMID: 6705935


Billings, J.J. (1983). The ovulation method. Melbourne: Advocate Press.


Habashy, S., & Taylor, R.S. (1983). The ovulation method of natural family planning. Contraceptive Delivery Systems, 4(4).


Hilgers, T.W. (1983). Continuous mucus in the use of the ovulation method. International Review of Natural Family Planning, 7(4), 326-341.


Pérez A.

[The ovulation method (Billings)]

Rev Chil Obstet Ginecol. 1983;48(2):88-96. Spanish. No abstract available.

PMID: 6681196



Billings JJ.

Natural family planning methods.

Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1982 May 1;143(1):114-5.

PMID: 7081306


Nerbun, B., & Carter, P. (1982). The scientific basis of the ovulation method of natural family planning. Bulletin of the South Carolina Academy of Science, 44, 77.

No authors listed] Trials of the ovulation method of natural family planning. Res Reprod. 1982 Jul;14(3):1. PMID: 12279312

Billings JJ.

Ovulation method of contraception.

Med J Aust. 1981 Jan 10;1(1):45-6. No abstract available.

PMID: 7207299


Billings JJ.

Cervical mucus: the biological marker of fertility and infertility.

Int J Fertil. 1981;26(3):182-95. No abstract available.

PMID: 6118338


Connell-Tatum EB.

Ovulation method of natural family planning.

Fertil Steril. 1981 Nov;36(5):551-2.

PMID: 7308500


[No authors listed]  World Health Organization A prospective multicentre trial of the ovulation method of natural family planning. I. The teaching phase. Fertil Steril. 1981 Aug;36(2):152-8.  PMID: 7021189  link ref#55

No authors listed]   World Health Organization

A prospective multicentre trial of the ovulation method of natural family planning. II. The effectiveness phase.

Fertil Steril. 1981 Nov;36(5):591-8.

PMID: 7308503


[No authors listed]

 [The Billings method]

Temas Poblac. 1981 May;7(12):14. Spanish.

PMID: 12311398


Billings, E. (1980). Approaching menopause: The ovulation method. International Review of Natural Family Planning, 4(2), 118-127.


Billings JJ.

Two methods of natural family planning.

Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1980 Mar 1;136(5):697-8. No abstract available.

PMID: 7355954


Billings JJ.

Natural family planning.

P N G Med J. 1978 Dec;21(4):286-7. No abstract available.

PMID: 293102


Billings JJ.

Natural family planning.

Med J Aust. 1978 Oct 21;2(9):436.

PMID: 732740


Billings JJ, Bennett LA.

Quality of cervical mucus and Huhner's test.

Br Med J. 1978 Aug 26;2(6137):640. No abstract available.

PMID: 581269

Dolack L. Study confirms values of ovulation method.Hosp Prog. 1978 Aug;59(8):64-6, 72-3. PMID: 669669

Elder, N. (1978). Natural family planning: The ovulation method. Journal of Nurse Midwifery, 23, 25-30.

Hilgers, T.W. (1978/November). The ovulation method: Ten years of research. Linacre Quarterly, 383-387.

Hume K.

The ovulation method of natural family planning.

Ir Med J. 1977 Apr 30;70(6):208-14. No abstract available.

PMID: 863670


France JT, Boyer KG.

The detection of ovulation in humans and its application in contraception.

J Reprod Fertil Suppl. 1975 Apr;(22):107-20. No abstract available.

PMID: 1058969


Hume, K.

Recent advances in the ovulation method.

Australian Family Physician, 1974, April ,3, 150-157.


Billings, E.L., Billings, J.J.

The idea of ovulation method.

Australian Family Physician, 1973, March,2, 81-85.


France JT.

The ovulation method of family planning.

IPPF Med Bull. 1973 Jun;7(3):2-3.

PMID: 12306723


Billings JJ.

Ovulation method of family planning.

Lancet. 1972 Dec 2;2(7788):1193-4. No abstract available.

PMID: 4117608


Billings EL, Brown JB, Billings JJ, Burger HG.

Symptoms and hormonal changes accompanying ovulation.

Lancet. 1972 Feb 5;1(7745):282-4. No abstract available.

PMID: 4109930


Vollman RF.

Ovulation method of family planning.

Lancet. 1972 Nov 18;2(7786):1085-6. No abstract available.

PMID: 4117404


Weissmann MC, Foliaki L, Billings EL, Billings JJ.

A trial of the ovulation method of family planning in Tonga.

Lancet. 1972 Oct 14;2(7781):813-6. No abstract available.

PMID: 4116246


Billings JJ, Billings EL Método de la Ovulación  Observación del moco   Fertilidad   Resumen de las observaciones, modo de registro y las Reglas del Método de la Ovulación Billings


Billings JJ, Billings EL Ovulation Method PDF format    Observations of Mucus
Fertility     Summary of observations, charting and rules of the Billings Ovulation Method

Basic Instruction in the Billings Ovulation Method (PDF Version). Documento Instrucción Básica sobre el Método de la Ovulación Billings (versión PDF ).

Facts about fertility        Hechos sobre la fertilidad

Pituitary and Ovarian Hormones        Hormonas pituitarias y ováricas

The Ovulatory Cycle       El ciclo ovulatorio

The Cervix       El cuello uterino

The Behaviour of the Cervix over the Phases of the Ovarian Cycle        El funcionamiento del cuello uterino durante las fases del ciclo ovárico

Behaviour of the Cervix 

El funcionamiento del cuello

The Length of the Menstrual (Ovulatory) Cycle       La duración del ciclo menstrual ovulatorio

Brown JM, Ovarian Activity and Fertility and the Billings Ovulation Method          Actividad ovárica, fertilidad y el Método de la Ovulación Billings

What is the Billings Ovulation Method?   ¿Qué es el Método de la Ovulación Billings?

Understanding the Billings Ovulation Method   Entendimiento del Método de la Ovulación Billings

Observations Charting and Rules of the Billings Ovulation Method  Observaciones, Registros y Reglas del Método de la Ovulación

The Circular Diagram    El diagrama circular

Variations of the Cycle    Variaciones del ciclo   Evelyn L. and Billings, John J., Teaching the Billings Ovulation Method, Part 2, Variations of theCycle and Reproductive Health, Ovulation Method Research and Reference Centre of Australia, Melbourne, 1997. Printable version of this page in PDF format

The Slide Rule     La Regla deslizante

Achieving Pregnancy   Cómo lograr el embarazo

Breast Feeding     Amamantamiento

Lactation A woman continues her role of providing nourishment with benefits to herself as well as to her child         La Lactancia La mujer continúa con su rol de proveedora de alimento con gran beneficio para ella y para su hijo

Family, become what you are!

Abstinence  Abstinencia

Charts     Charts to print for personal use: EXCEL spreadsheet HTML (adjust browser font size if necessary)— master1 , master2.

Registros   Registros Imprima cartillas de registro para uso personal: EXCEL spreadsheet
HTML (se puede ajustar el tamaño de la letra con el browser)— muestra1 , muestra2

Yellow Stamp  Estampilla amarilla

¿Es confiable el método?- Pruebas

Bases científicas del Método

Otros artículos disponibles en inglés y en otros idiomas

Vigil, P Fertility Disorders 2003  A survey of fertility disorders and the usefulness of the BOM.

Billings JJ,  Women's Health Issues and the Billings Ovulation Method, Dr J J Billings, 2001

Billings EL, Teaching the Billings Ovulation Method   

Billings EL, 2002. Teaching All Indicators is Not the Same as Teaching All Methods - Some Clarifications      Enseñar PFN - Algunas aclaraciones  Enseñar todos los indicadores no es lo mismo que enseñar todos los Métodos

The differences between the two teaching methodologies of CrMS and BOM

Bulletin The Bulletin of the Ovulation Method Research & Reference Centre of Australia


Brown James B, Studies on Human Reproduction: Ovarian Activity and Fertility and the Billings Ovulation Method, Ovulation Method Research and Reference Centre of Australia, ISBN 0 908482 12

Hume K, Odeblad E. The Biology of the Cervix A Summary of Recent Advances from the Work of Erik Odeblad

Properties of Cervical Mucus 2003, New scientific study provides further confirmation of the basis of BOM rules           Las propiedades del moco cervical 2003, Un nuevo estudio científico verifica las propiedades del moco cervical, como lo interpreta el MOB

Odeblad E, Cervical Mucus The Discovery of Different Types of Cervical Mucus and the Billings Ovulation Method  Bulletin of the Natural Family Planning Council of Victoria, 1994 Vol 21, No. 3, September 1994.

Odeblad, E, Fertility Awareness Investigations on the Physiological Basis of Fertility Awareness  Bulletin of Ovulation Method Research and Reference Centre of Australia Vol 29 Number 1 March 2002, pp 2-11.

Brown J, Multiple Ovulations  Professor Brown comments on the article from the Reproductive Research Unit of the University of Saskatchewan, 2003

Billings, J. THE QUEST - leading to the discovery of the Billings Ovulation Method,  Bulletin of Ovulation Method Research and Reference Centre of Australia, Vol 29 Number 1 March 2002, pp18-28.

efficacy of the Billings Ovulation Method

Trials of the Billings Ovulation method PDF format

trial conducted in China.

Billings EL. China Project Report February 2004

China (Nanjing, Anhui, Kunmin and Shanghai)/ Shao-Zhen QIAN, De-Wei ZHANG, Huai-Zhi ZUO, Ren-Kang LU, Lin PENG, Chang-Hai HE and the Chinese Billings Ovulation Method Collaboration Programme Evaluation of the Effectiveness of a Natural Fertility Regulation Programme in China 

QIAN, Shao Zhen. China successfully launching the Billings Ovulation Method 2003

QIAN, Shao Zhen et al. Original Evaluation Report of the BOM in China 1999    Evaluación de la efectividad de un programa de regulación natural de la fertilidad en China

J J Billings The Gift of Life and Love (5th printing, revised and updated)

Billings EL, Westmore A. The Billings Method 4rth edition 2003,

Billings, Evelyn and Westmore, Ann, The Billings Method, Ann O'Donovan Pty. Ltd., Melbourne, 1997

Walsh M,Tonti-Filippini N. The Billings ovulation method - what are the benefits?

WOOMB Affiliated Organisations

scientific research

The Creighton Model FertilityCare System


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The Medical and Surgical Practice of NaProTECHNOLOGY. Textbook on NaProTECHNOLOGY

T.W. Hilgers. Pope Paul VI Press, Omaha, Nebraska, 2004. Hardcover, 1244 pages,  ISBN 0-9744147-00.

Stanford JB, Comment. CMR - Vol. 15, Nos. 3 & 4, Summer/Fall 2004


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Report on the NaProTechnology conference Omaha, July 2004.  Agents of Change

Catholic World Report

Temperatura Basal

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Dolor Ovulatorio:


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Monitores del período fértil : Cristalización salival (ver Saliva)

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Monitores del período fértil : Estrona glucuronido, pregnandiol glucuronido (ver Hormonas urinarias)



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Hapangama, D.K., Glasier, A.F., & Baird, D.T. Noncompliance among a group of women using a novel method of contraception. Fertility and Sterility. 76 (2001): 1196-1201. Fehring R J, Coment  Noncompliance and a Novel Method of Contraception (home fertility monitor with RU-486) Research Briefs  CMR - Vol. 13, Nos. 3 & 4, Summer/Fall 2002

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Fehring R J, Comment German Researchers Demonstrate Accuracy of the ClearPlan Fertility Monitor CMR - Vol. 12, Nos. 3 & 4, Summer/Fall 2001


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Fehring R J, Comment Persona Enhances Fertility Awareness and Desire for Children CMR - Vol. 12, Nos. 3 & 4, Summer/Fall 2001


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Umbral ovulatorio  pregnandiol glucuronido

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Medición simultanea de Estrona glucuronido y Pregnandiol glucuronido


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Ratio Estrona glucuronido/Pregnandiol glucuronido


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Efecto de concentración urinaria

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Aspiración Flujo Cervicovaginal

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Cristalización Salival :

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Fehring RJ, Review Accuracy of Miniature Microscope Fertility Monitors In Question Under the Microscope  CMR - Vol. 10, Nos. 1 & 2, Winter/Spring 1999Email us at
Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities | 3211 4th Street, N.E., Washington DC 20017-1194 | (202) 541-3070 © USCCB. All rights reserved.

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Coment: Fehring R,  FDA Approves New Saliva-Based Home Ovulation test


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Esudios de varios indicadores


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Fehring R J, Comment Self Evaluation of Cervical-Vaginal Fluid Deemed Accurate Indicator of Ovulation CMR - Vol. 17, Nos. 1 & 2, Winter/Spring 2006


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Fehring RJ, Comment: Large European Data Base Indicates STM Effective Method of Family Planning CMR - Vol. 17, Nos. 1 & 2, Winter/Spring 2006


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Fehring R J,  Review Accuracy of Biological Markers of Fertility  CMR - Vol. 14, Nos. 3 & 4, Summer/Fall 2003


Fehring R J, Review  Accuracy of Cervical Mucus as a Biological Marker for the Beginning of the Fertile Phase of the Menstrual Cycle Under the Microscope CMR - Vol. 14, Nos. 1 & 2, Winter/Spring 2003

Fehring, R. Accuracy of the peak day of cervical mucus as a biological marker of fertility.

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Ecochard, R. Boehringer, H., Rabilloud, M., & Marret, H. Chronological aspects of ultrasonic, hormonal, and other indirect indices of ovulation. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 108 (2001): 822-829.

Fehring RJ. Comment. Self-detected Cervical Mucus Peak Symptom Determined to be Accurate and Practical Means of Ovulation Detection NFP Related Research CMR - Vol. 13, Nos. 3 & 4, Summer/Fall 2002

Fehring RJ, Review. Analysis: Predicting the Fertile Window Under the Microscope CMR - Vol. 12, Nos. 1 & 2, Winter/Spring 2001

Behre, H.M., Kuhlage, J., & Gassner, C., et al. Prediction of ovulation by urinary hormone measurements with the home use Clearplan Fertility Monitor: comparison with transvaginal ultrasound scans and serum hormone measurements. Human Reproduction. 12 (2000):2478-2482.

Fehring RJ, Comment. German Researchers Demonstrate Accuracy of the ClearPlan Fertility Monitor CMR - Vol. 12, Nos. 3 & 4, Summer/Fall 2001

Tomaselli, G.A., Guida, M., & Palomba, S, et al. Using complete breast-feeding and lactational amenorrhoea as birth spacing methods. Contraception. 61 (April, 2000):253-257

Fehring RJ, Comment.  Study Finds Cervical Mucus Not Reliable for Identifying Fertile Period Among Breast-Feeding Women NFP Related Research CMR - Vol. 12, Nos. 1 & 2, Winter/Spring 2001

Fehring RJ, Review. Accuracy of Miniature Microscope Fertility Monitors In Question Under the Microscope  CMR - Vol. 10, Nos. 1 & 2, Winter/Spring 1999

Fehring RJ, Review Review and Analysis of the Peak Day Under the Microscope Review and Analysis of the "Peak Day"  CMR - Vol. 10, Nos. 3 & 4, Summer/Fall 1999

Guida, M., Tommaselli, G.A., Palomba, S., et al.

Efficacy of methods for determining ovulation in a natural family planning program.

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Fehring RJ Comment & review. RovumeterTM Not Accurate in Defining Fertile Period  Under the Microscope CMR - Vol. 9, Nos. 1 & 2, Winter/Spring 1998

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Fehring RJ, Comment.Caffeine and Miscarriages - Is There A Link? Research Briefs CMR - Vol. 12, Nos. 1 & 2, Winter/Spring 2001

Klebanoff, M.A., Levine, R.J., & DerSimonian, R., et al.

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Fehring R J, Comment Women Smokers with Irregular Menstrual Cycles have Increased Risk for Acute Myocardial Infarction CMR - Vol. 18, Nos. 3 & 4, Summer/Fall 2007


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